This particular infinite loop and micro-sleep approach is designed to allow cnee and Firefox to have a chance to process events, while retaining adequate UI performance. 这种特殊的无限循环和微休眠(micro-sleep)方法目的是允许cnee和firefox有机会处理事件,同时保持足够的UI性能。
You can determine how many incoming data items to expect with an infinite loop, while ( true). 通过一个有限循环while(true),您可以确定期望的到来数据项的数量。
This is an error because you now have an infinite loop. 出现此错误的原因是现在运行了一个无限循环。
We wrap these commands in a while loop with a do/ done block to create an infinite loop. 我们将这两个命令放在一个while循环中,该循环带有一个用于创建无限循环的do/done代码块。
Enabling teams and individuals to break out of this "infinite loop" and achieve substantial net productivity gains is the change we're making today. 使团队和个人打破这个”无限循环“并实现真正生产力的收获是我们今天要做的变化。
This file contains thread stacks of all active threads and can be used for identifying methods and threads which might be stuck in an infinite loop. 此文件包含所有活动线程的线程堆栈,并能够用于标识可能陷入无限循环的方法和线程。
When analyzing bi-directional data a cycle may occur that will result in an infinite loop ( marked in red). 在分析双向数据时,会出现一个循环,最终会产生一个无限循环(用红色标识)。
Scripts that parse a great deal of data or which may be hiding an infinite loop have a tendency to consume large amounts of memory. 解析大量数据或可能隐藏无限次循环的脚本都趋于消耗大量内存。
Some memory leaks occur due to program errors in which infinite loop in the application code allocates new objects and adds them to a data structure accessible from outside the program loop scope. 有些内存泄漏是由于程序错误发生的,在存在此类错误的情况下,应用程序代码中的无限循环会分配新的对象,并将其添加到可从程序循环范围外面访问的数据结构中。
Section two of the main logic listens for knocks in an infinite loop, sleeping for approximately one hundredth of a second in each loop. 第二部分是用来在一个无限循环中监听敲打序列的主逻辑,它在一个循环中大约要睡眠1/100秒。
It also needs to set up an infinite loop for listening to client connections on the specified port. 它还需要在指定端口上设置监听客户机连接的无限循环。
To avoid an infinite loop, the restore request should be sent only when the current page was generated in response to a GET request. 要避免发生无限循环,只有在响应GET请求而生成当前页面时发送恢复请求。
The function accepts three arguments, and performs some simple tests on the values to ensure that the function will not start an infinite loop. 该函数接受三个参数,然后对这些值进行一些简单的测试,以确保函数不会开始一个无限循环。
The script logs in to the local IRC server, then goes through an infinite loop. 脚本注册到本地IRC服务器,并开始进行无限循环。
Once you press Enter following the last three-dot Python prompt, the Python interpreter starts churning away in an infinite loop. 一旦在三个点的Python提示后按Enter键,Python解释器就处于无限循环的混乱中。
A statement running in an infinite loop 语句在无限循环中运行
While it might be possible to identify the memory leaking data structure by analyzing the heap dumps, identifying the memory leaking code which is in a infinite loop is not straightforward. 虽然通过分析堆转储能够标识内存泄漏数据结构,但是标识无限循环中的内存泄漏代码并不简单。
No need to worry about a thread stalling or getting caught in an infinite loop. 也不需要担心线程停止或陷入无限循环。
The value of this attribute is set to true; if it weren't, you'd end up with an infinite loop when executing these rules. 该属性的值被设为true;如果不是这样,在执行这些规则时将陷入无限循环。
Next, we consider the infinite loop statement and conditionals. 接下来,考虑无限循环语句和条件。
After it's been activated, the run() method sits in an infinite loop, awaiting requests from clients. 将它激活之后,run()方法进行无限循环,等待来自客户机的请求。
Now, all the cat is doing is that it's an infinite loop and it's checking if I am not facing bird,-face bird, and it's& It's constantly chasing the bird. 猫能做的就是一个死循环,并且它能检测我是不是面对着一只鸟,如果没有就转向那只鸟-,它一直不停地追逐这只鸟。
Otherwise, it's a pretty bad mistake, but sometimes you do want an infinite loop, Word for instance, Microsoft Word if you use it or pages or the like on your Mac or PC. 否则,它将会是一个错误,但有时你确实需要一个无穷循环,例如微软的,当你在Mac或者PC上使用它时。
In this recursion pattern, two functions each call the other, such that an infinite loop is formed. 在这种递归模式中,两个函数互相调用对方,形成一个无限循环。
Well, I'm going to create a little infinite loop. 好,我会建立一个小的无穷循环。
It doesn't crash, but appears to be stuck in an infinite loop. 它不会崩溃,但是会陷入无限循环中。
In short words, a clear lineal organization is mixed with an infinite loop. 在短短的话,一个明确的直系组织是一个无限循环的混合。
You will start an infinite loop if you are not careful. 如果不注意的话,会启动无限循环。
If I'm iterating from I on the outside, I on the inside, I'm going to start changing the value and I might very well induce an infinite loop but J is okay. 如果我在外面从I开始迭代,或从里面开始迭代,我将开始改变它的值,我可能引起一个无限循环,但是用J是可以的。
Design and Implementation Using Keyboard Hook Quit Process of Infinite Loop 用键盘钩子退出陷入无限循环的设计与实现